Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An historic day for America

This is an amazing day for America. I have been completely glued to the tv today, watching the people in DC, the famous people and the not-famous people, all gathering to get a glimpse of the man that so many see as the promising future for America.

No matter how you voted, today we are all Americans, and today proves if nothing else, that in America it is possible to become anything you want to be.

God bless America and God bless Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and all the other past and present leaders of this great country that I am privileged to be a citizen.


Sandra said...

Really is a great day :)

Jess said...

Praying for our new President and our country...

Love, Jess

Anonymous said...

I also watched the inauguration from start to finish. Somehow I could not stop watching all the details. What a great day that was!

Jess said...

I tried to find your email, and it's too late to call mom...but I wanted to let you know that I received that card last week during our ice storm, and it couldnt have come at a better time. Thank you so very much... I pray you will be blessed much more for what you did, because it was a blessing to us.

Thank you again... please know that it was greatly appreciated and used wisely.

Lots of love to you and yours.
